International Symposium

Geosynthetics and Sustainability

Environmental, Civil and Hydraulic Engineering

14 may 2024, 13.15 – 18.45 CET

Venue: Technical University Delft (TU Delft)

Faculty Civil Engineering and Geosciences Building 23 Stevinweg 1, 2628 CN Delft, The Netherland 

The urgency of addressing global warming make innovative solutions necessary within civil and hydraulic engineering. Geosynthetics emerge as a sustainable building method, significantly reducing CO2 emissions (30-89%) and energy consumption (up to 85%) compared to conventional building materials like concrete and steel.

This symposium, hosted by the NGO and IGS, serves as a platform for knowledge exchange on geosynthetics and sustainability. Renowned experts will provide insights into the latest research and applications, emphasizing the crucial role of geosynthetics in achieving environmental objectives.

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